4 Signs You Need A New Kitchen

We know that when you love your kitchen and spend time in it every day you don’t always notice the signs that your kitchen needs replacing. The kitchen is more than just a room in a house, it’s a space for living and creating memories. When you’re busy cooking, feeding the family, hanging out with friends and even working from the kitchen table, your kitchen just looks and feels like home.
But the sad news is that kitchens don’t last forever. Fixtures and fittings will start to show signs of wear over time. And they might not be as obvious as cupboard doors hanging off broken hinges!
How do you know when your kitchen is in need of a refresh? Look out these 4 signs that tell you need a new kitchen.
1. Space Jam
How much clutter has your kitchen accumulated over the years? We are all guilty of falling for the latest fancy gadget that we can’t live without, rarely use but don’t want to throw out because it might come in handy one day. Or maybe you been gifted so many mugs and wine glasses that the crockery cupboards are overflowing. Drawers are jammed so full of stuff that you can hardly close them. And with a growing family or evolving dietary needs you might just simply not have enough space to store all the food you need.
If any of these sound familiar it’s time to rethink. The beauty of a new fitted kitchen is that you can take time to revaluate your space and create a kitchen that works for you. Meistercontracts offers innovate storage solutions to keep countertops clutter free and interior organisation systems so you have everything you need easily at hand.
2. Dated Decor
Just like clothes and hairstyles, kitchen décor is subject to fashion trends. You might not be obviously stuck in a kitchen time warp of laminated Formica, lino floors and floral chintz. Unless that was the retro look you were going for. But you might find that the shape of your cabinet fronts are out of date, that the colours have started to fade, that the surfaces are scratched, scuffed or stained.
Today’s modern kitchen styles are all about colours, textures and smooth lines. Complimentary or contrasting colour schemes with colour accents turning floors, worktops and splashbacks into features. Combining natural textures of wood or stone with matt finishes or sleek laminate creates a striking impact. Finished off with integrated or hidden appliances for that smooth streamlined look.
If your kitchen is feeling a little dated or old fashioned, then it’s time to look at a new kitchen design.
3. Worktop Woes
A kitchen is often defined by its cabinets and worktops. It’s the latter that bares the brunt of the effort carried out in the kitchen. And is the first to show signs of wear and tear. Shabby cabinet doors may be easier to spot. But it’s the daily use of our worktops, exposure to heat, the spills, stains and scratches that can prematurely date a kitchen.
However careful you start out with protective mats, chopping boards and coasters on your brand new worktop, a few years down the line you might find yourself taking shortcuts. A quick slice and dice directly on the work surface, a hot pan popped down for just a minute, a spill you’ll wipe up later. A drop of bleach on a tough stain or a vigorous scrub with a scourer can ruin a worktop for life.
In our Guide to Caring for Your Worktops we share our top tips for maintaining stone worktops, caring for wood worktops and protecting laminate worktops. If it’s too late for your worktop then talk to us about our range of long-lasting, hard-wearing and beautifully stylish worktop designs.
4. Problems Underfoot
A space jam for all your kitchen stuff is one thing. Not having enough space to move around while you are cooking is another thing entirely. If you are constantly watching where you step, manoeuvring around furniture that’s in the way, balancing pots and pans while you find a safe space to put them down. Or if other people are constantly getting in your way, bumping into each other, stepping on each other’s toes, an accidental elbow in the ribs can totally ruin both the cooking experience and the harmony in the house.
You might be surprised that a new kitchen design can actually improve the flow of movement around the kitchen and make cooking an enjoyable experience again. At Meistercontracts we design our kitchens around you to create a layout that’s practical for the shape of the kitchen and for the way you use it. We’ve got innovative storage solutions to reorganise all that clutter, endless cabinet configurations and island styles to maximise the use of space. We can create zoned spaces or multi-purpose areas to make your kitchen work for you.
Give us a call on 01405 764316 or visit us in the showroom and discover how Meistercontracts can help you solve your space and clutter problems with a new modern kitchen design.